April 01, 2011

Students and Staff at Prairie View High School Host a Tribute to Vietnam Veterans

When the history teachers at Prairie View High School (PVHS) in Brighton, Colorado were studying the Vietnam War with their students, they were struck by the classroom questions regarding the life of a veteran "today." "The kids were taken back by the fact that so many of our nation's veterans are often forgotten when they return from combat," stated Michelle Baszto, Prairie View H.S. Social Studies teacher. It was during this classroom discussion, that a group of students and Administrators came up with the idea to honor Colorado's Vietnam Vets. Following the lead from a similar event honoring Korean War Veterans led by Prairie View Social Studies teacher Kelly Gonzalez, "Prairie View Remembers" began to take hold.

The event has been in the planning stages for 12 months and will include performances by PVHS students and staff and special presentations to honor Vietnam Veterans. Veterans will be asked to walk the "Great Hallway" which is a special yellow ribbon ceremony planned by the students. Hors d'oeuvres will be served in a viewing area that has been set up to view military artifacts and student projects.

Who: All veterans are invited to attend the tribute, however, the tribute is designed specifically to honor those veterans who served our country during the Vietnam era.

What: "Prairie View Remembers" in honor of Vietnam Veterans

When: April 8, 2011 from 4:00 PM- 7:00 PM

Prairie View High School 12909 East 120th Ave. Henderson, CO 80640

Why: Over forty years ago, the United States fought in a tremendous conflict in a very small country in  Southeast Asia. The men and women who served during this time came home to uncertainty and discord rather than the welcome they deserved. Vietnam Era Veterans have been forgotten for many years. Prairie View High School intends to welcome these veterans home in a tribute planned by our high school students.

How: To register for the Vietnam Era Veterans Tribute, please contact:
Kelly Gonzales - kgonzales@sd27j.org, or
Kate Hamilton - khamilton@sd27j.org

A website has been developed by students where veterans can register or gain additional information about the tribute. www.namvettribute.org