March 23, 2011

Adams County School District #14: Rose Hill Students Collect Pennies for Patients

The students at Rose Hill Elementary once again participated in the Pennies for Patients® program through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Rocky Mountain Chapter.

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Pennies for Patients is a service and philanthropy program that gives students a unique experience making a difference through teamwork – working together to aid thousands of children and adults in the fight against blood cancers like leukemia.

Principal Samara Williams has been supporting Pennies for Patients for many years, and continues to support this remarkable charity in honor of a childhood friend who lost her battle with leukemia as a child.

The students at Rose Hill happily collected spare change over the last three weeks from family and friends to support this worthy cause. Second-grade students in Cristine Goodman’s class raised the most money in the school with $114.12.

This week Samara presented a check for $993.71 to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Rocky Mountain Chapter on behalf of the students at Rose Hill.