“While any improvement in student performance is exciting,” said Superintendent Sue Chandler, “we know we have much more work to do.” CSAP results are one of many indicators that the District reviews annually to measure student achievement. In 2008-09, Adams 14 developed its strategic plan to improve instruction throughout the District. In 2009-10, test scores dipped as schools implemented many changes. The 2010-11 school year was the second full year of implementing the plan, and the slight test gains and other indicators show that the District is improving.
“This school year,” said Superintendent Chandler, “we will go deeper into our instructional initiatives to fine-tune curriculum and instruction, teacher collaboration, data and assessment and student engagement.” The District will remain focused on the research-based instructional strategies that it has adopted across all schools. “Students must know what they are learning and why; and on top of that, they must have great teaching from an engaging teacher,” added Chandler . “We believe this fundamental approach will result in long-term growth of all Adams 14 children.”
Despite the fact that the odds are stacked against students of poverty, Adams 14 students are making gains in many areas. “What we know is that our students are facing more barriers to school success than they have in the past,” continued Chandler . “It is critical that we continue our work in developing and supporting highly effective teachers who have the ability to help students grow, despite the challenges they face.”
With the statewide move to the Colorado Growth Model, Adams 14 is looking more closely at how students grow each year. “We are still looking at overall proficiency of students,” said Chief Academic Officer Lynn Heintzman, “but now we also look at the value added by a teacher or school.” That value added is called growth. Using growth data validates why schools exist – to help students grow academically and improve their chances for a successful future.
According to CDE, the Colorado Growth Model indicates how much academic progress students are making based on their CSAP scores. For Adams 14, the goal is for every student to make at least one year’s growth in a year’s time. In Adams 14, each school receives a rating of Low, Typical or High for overall student growth, which is calculated based on the median growth of all students tested in the school.
“Because our test scores have been below the state average every year,” said Heintzman, “our schools need to make high growth. That is how we will catch up and reach our goal. The District’s median growth increased by two points, which is really impressive with nearly 10,000 tests taken.” Even with signs of success, Heintzman noted, “There’s a real sense of urgency in our District, because we know how important it is to move student achievement.”
In December 2011, the state will publish statewide performance reports called School Performance Frameworks. These reports will provide a comprehensive picture of how well Colorado schools are preparing students for success, and the reports will include growth model data, CSAP and ACT test results, graduation and dropout rates and other measures.
Alsup Elementary +6.44 Typical
Central Elementary -2.09 Typical
Dupont Elementary +0.10 Low
Kemp Elementary +2.43 Typical
Monaco Elementary +4.14 Typical
Rose Hill Elementary +2.44 Low
Hanson PreK-8 -3.19 Low
Adams City Middle -0.44 Typical
Kearney Middle -1.58 Typical
Adams City High +3.48 Low
Lester Arnold High +0.60 Low
District Increase/Decrease +1.02 Low
Community Leadership Academy (CLA) charter school is no longer part of Adams 14, so the District has discontinued reporting their scores.
For more information about individual school CSAP performance results and the Colorado Growth Model, visit CDE’s website at www.schoolview.org.