Experience 9 to 5® is a high school and early college career exploration program created in partnership with the Exploring Division of the Boy Scouts. This fifth year of this multi-industry career program will be available to high school students as well as those in their first two years of college, October 3 through November 14, 2011.
Space in the Experience 9 to 5® program is limited and registration must include confirmation that each participating student can attend ALL of the meetings including a program orientation on October 3, 2011 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. at Prairie View High School, 12909 East 120th Avenue, Henderson, CO 80640. High School students must attend with a parent or guardian.
The Adams County Education Consortium continues to offer explorations of varied lengths in order to provide the widest possible selection of careers. Programs run from two to ten hours in length and will be held on MONDAY evenings with sessions either from 4 p.m.- 6 p.m. or 6 pm - 8 pm. The program was designed to offer career exploration that can accommodate the maximum number of students across a maximum number of career choices, offer a concrete set of employer participation expectations and be compact enough to be easily communicated to participants.
Students may use these sessions to learn about possible careers, promotion opportunities and educational requirements to enter their field of interest.
Involvement at orientation, of a parent or guardian is required for high school student sign up. This engages parents in the student choices, secures the transportation issue for participating students too young to drive themselves and allows time at orientation for the parent/guardian to be with the student as they learn the expectations of careers being investigated. The locations may change every week based on the host employer so students must pay attention to travel time when planning on attending their chosen session(s).
The cost for each industry program is $10.
Want to view a You Tube video? Just go to www.adamscountyeducation.org and click on the Experience 9 to 5 ® logo to view the program in action.
These multiple-night programs will allow students the chance to dig deeper into an industry of choice. Students will get hands-on opportunities to "try out" the job and learn more about what is required to be successful.
If a student is interested in participating, they may see their own high school counselor for more information or contact Kathy Turner with Exploring at kturner@denverboyscouts.org or 720.455.5522 X 242. Students may also go to the website at www.denverexploring.org and look for the Experience 9 to 5 option on that page.
Registration is on line at www.denverexploring.org. If you have problems with the registration or need to speak with someone at Exploring about your registration contact Kathy Turner at 720-266-2242 or kturner@denverboyscouts.org.