Dear CLA Parents and Guardians,
By now you have probably learned that Community Leadership Academy (CLA) will no longer be an Adams 14 school. Beginning July 1, 2011, CLA will be authorized by the Charter School Institute (CSI) and be designated as a State charter school. What this means, in part, is that services previously provided by Adams 14 will no longer be provided by the District, but instead, by CLA. These services include the delivery of special education support, nutrition services, transportation, emergency, risk management, and technology support.
Additionally, if your child received special education services, CLA’s move to CSI should not result in any disruption to those services as the Individual Education Program (IEP) developed for your child in the last year will remain in effect until you meet with an IEP team to make changes to the plan. There will be a change in the service providers, however, as CLA will provide the staff required to meet the needs of all students with disabilities enrolled in the school. Any questions or concerns about your child’s IEP services should be addressed to your child’s teacher(s), the administrative staff of CLA, CSI, or the Colorado Department of Education (CDE).
Any comments, concerns, or conflicts that may arise with CLA and its educational services will need to continue to be directed toward Community Leadership Academy staff, administration, and their board of directors. Information about the Charter School Institute can be found at www.csi.state.co.us or they can be contacted directly at 303-866-3299.
We have enjoyed collaborating with you and the staff at CLA to provide quality services over the last five years, and we know your children will continue to be successful in their school of choice.
Susan Chandler, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools