June 03, 2011

Recognition of the Quality Community Foundation scholarship winners (Commerce City)

Scholarship winners will be awarded a $4,000 scholarship to a Colorado college, university or vocational institute of their choice. Proceeds from the annual Quality Community Foundation Scholarship Golf Tournament fund the scholarships. This year, the Quality Community Foundation voted to award three students with scholarships. The recipients are Darartu Shafi - Colorado State University; Ashley Martines - University of Colorado-Boulder; and, Fernanda de Luna - Regis University.

Background Information:
Each year the Quality Community Foundation (QCF) and the city sponsor the scholarship golf tournament at Buffalo Run. Proceeds from the golf tournament go toward funding the scholarship program. Scholarships are offered to Commerce City residents with applications being delivered to Adams City High School, Lester Arnold High School and Prairie View High School. QCF representatives visit each of the schools, talking to students and counselors in an effort to solicit applicants. Information regarding the scholarships is also printed in the city newsletter and is posted on the city's website. The scholarships are offered to students of all ages living in Commerce City who wish to further their education.