April 06, 2011

School Finance Act Introduced; Projected District-Level Funding Summaries Available

The Colorado Department of Education’s public school finance office today published projected district funding summaries for the 2011-2012 year based on the School Finance Act, which was formally introduced in the Colorado State Legislature late Tuesday (April 5).

The projections are available on the CDE Web site at this link: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdefinance/SchoolFinanceFundingFY2011-12.htm

Senate Bill 11-230 reduces last year’s original appropriation by $250 million. In the bill, base per-pupil funding is increased for inflation by 1.9 percent.

The proposed legislation is not final until approved by the Colorado Senate, the Colorado House of Representatives and signed by the governor.

The proposed bill accounts for changes in pupil counts, assessed valuations, at-risk students and revenue from specific ownership taxes. The pupil counts also include a projection for students in the ASCENT program, which provides for instruction in college-level classes beyond the senior year.

A complete legislative summary of S.B.11-230 is available here:


The complete bill is available here:
